
Title : Online bill payment to contractors through e-GP kicks off
Description :

As the module of electronic contract management system (e-CMS) is added to e-GP, the CPTU made a breakthrough in achieving its ultimate result when the bill of a contractor was first disbursed online on 13 June 2023.

The achievement is attributed to a joint effort of CPTU, iBAS++ team, Dohatec enhancement, operation and maintenance (EOM) team, executive engineer of Roads and Highways Department, Noakhali, and the concerned contractor by using the e-CMS module in the e-GP system.

With the e-CMS in place, contract management is now performed through e-GP. Starting from procurement plan up to contract completion including bill payment and certification is now done online.

Along with e-CMS, the CPTU has added e-Audit and international competitive tender modules to e-GP. Moreover, the much- awaited tenderers' database has also been added to e-GP.

The CPTU has drafted sustainable public procurement policy and asset disposal policy with the aim of making procurement sustainable under SDG Goal.


Publication Date : 13/06/2023