e-Government Procurement (e-GP)
20/02/2025 12:00 AM
e-Government Procurement (e-GP) is the collaborative use of Information and Communication Technology (especially the Internet) by government agencies and other actors of procurement community in conducting all activities of Government Procurement Process Cycle (GPPC) for the acquisition of goods, works, and services with enhanced efficiency in procurement management.
The e-GP is a web-based system which encompasses the total procurement lifecycle and records all procurement activities. The purpose of this system is to maintain complete and up-to-date public procurement system activities of all public agencies as well as provide tender opportunities to all potential tenderers from Bangladesh and abroad.
The web address of e-GP is: https://www.eprocure.gov.bd
The vision of the e-GP is to enhance the efficiency and transparency in public procurement through the implementation of a comprehensive e-GP solution to be used by all government organizations in the country.
The e-GP System has been implemented in two phases:
- e-Tendering: Covering complete e-Tendering processes such as centralized user registration, preparation of Annual Procurement Plan (APP), preparation of Tender/Proposal document, preparation of Tender/Proposal, invitation of Tender, sale of Tender Documents (e-TD), conducting online pre-tender meeting, collection of Tender/Proposal security, on-line Tender/Proposal submission, Tender opening & evaluation, negotiation (where applicable) and contract award.
- e-Contract Management System (e-CMS): Covering complete e-Contract Management processes, such as preparation of work plan and its submission, defining milestone, tracking and monitoring progress, variation orders, generating reports, ensure quality, generating running bills, bill payment through iBAS++, supplier/contractor rating and generating completion certificate.
The Central Procurement Technical Unit which has been transformed into Bangladesh Public Procurement Authority (BPPA) developed and implemented the e-GP System. The e-GP portal was inaugurated on 2 June 2011. The cutting-edge technology and global expertise have been used complying with the Public Procurement Act 2006 and the Public Procurement Rules 2008. Bangladesh e-Government Procurement (e-GP) System consists of a comprehensive set of interlinked modules. The modules are:
- Centralized Registration (Contractors/Suppliers/Consultants, Procuring Entities and other actors of e-GP)
- Workflow management System
- e-Tendering (e-Publishing/e-Advertisement, e-Lodgment, e-Evaluation, e-Contract Award)
- e-Contract Management System (e-CMS)
- e-Payments
- Procurement Management Information Systems (PROMIS)
- System and Security Administration
- Handling Errors and Exceptions
- Application Usability & Help
The e-GP Guidelines as required by PPA 2006 [Chapter 8, Clause 65(1)] and PPR 2008 [Chapter 128(1)], and e-GP System Implementation and Monitoring Framework was approved. BPPA had piloted e-GP in selected procuring entities of sectoral target agencies LGED, RHD, BWDB and REB in 2011. From 2012 the e-GP System was gradually implemented across procuring entities of the government of Bangladesh.