Invitation for Tender (Single Lot)    Status:Approved


Ministry/Division : : Ministry of Shipping
Agency : : Chittagong Port Authority
Procuring Entity Name : : Executive Engineer_Jetty
Procuring Entity Code : :
Procuring Entity District : : Chattogram
Invitation For : Works
Invitation Reference No : 18.13.0000.326.07.008.24
Date : 09/02/2025


Procurement Method : NCT Open Tendering Method


Budget and Source of Funds : : Own Funds Own Funds
Development Partner : N/A


Project/Programme Code :
Project/Programme Name :
Tender Package No : 18.13.0000.326.07.008.24
Tender Package Name : Providing Bituminous Seal Coat on Roads within Jetty-2 area.
Tender Publication Date : 09/02/2025
Tender Last Selling Date : 09/03/2025
Tender Closing Date and Time : 10/03/2025 11:00 AM
Tender Opening Date and Time : 10/03/2025 11:00 AM
Office Address Information
Selling Tender Document (Principal) This is an online tendering system where only e-Tenders will be accepted in e-GP portal and no offline/hard copies will be accepted. To submit e-Tender, registration in the National e-GP System portal. (http./ is required. The fees for downloading the e-Tender Documents from the National e-GP System portal have to be deposited online through any registers Banks’ branches within the date mentioned in tender Notice. Further information & Guidelines are available in the National e-GP System portal and e-GP help desk (
Receiving Tender Document This is an online tendering system where only e-Tenders will be accepted in e-GP portal and no offline/hard copies will be accepted. To submit e-Tender, registration in the National e-GP System portal. (http./ is required. The fees for downloading the e-Tender Documents from the National e-GP System portal have to be deposited online through any registers Banks’ branches within the date mentioned in tender Notice. Further information & Guidelines are available in the National e-GP System portal and e-GP help desk (
Opening Tender Document This is an online tendering system where only e-Tenders will be accepted in e-GP portal and no offline/hard copies will be accepted. To submit e-Tender, registration in the National e-GP System portal. (http./ is required. The fees for downloading the e-Tender Documents from the National e-GP System portal have to be deposited online through any registers Banks’ branches within the date mentioned in tender Notice. Further information & Guidelines are available in the National e-GP System portal and e-GP help desk (
Selling Tender Document (Others) This is an online tendering system where only e-Tenders will be accepted in e-GP portal and no offline/hard copies will be accepted. To submit e-Tender, registration in the National e-GP System portal. (http./ is required. The fees for downloading the e-Tender Documents from the National e-GP System portal have to be deposited online through any registers Banks’ branches within the date mentioned in tender Notice. Further information & Guidelines are available in the National e-GP System portal and e-GP help desk (
Place/Date/Time of Tender Meeting (Optional) : Place : N/A    Date:    Time: 01:00 PM


Eligibility of Tenderer : : All registered Contractors of e-GP Portal who have: a. Minimum 05 years overall experience in the construction works as Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor. b. The minimum specific experience in Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous Organization as a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor in construction works of at least single contract of similar nature, complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within the last 05 (five) years, each with a value of at least Tk. 250.00 lakh. c.The required average annual construction turnover shall be greater than Tk 1000.00 lakh in the last 05 (five) years (best 3 years would be accounted for). d. The minimum amount of liquid assets or working capital or credit facilities of the tenderer shall be: Tk. 100.00 lakh e. In addition to these the contractor has to comply by the required experience/documents stated in TDS, PCC and Tender Forms.
Brief Description of Goods or Works : : Providing Bituminous Seal Coat on Roads within Jetty-2 area.
Brief Description of Related Services : : N/A
Tender Document Price : : 4000
Tender Lot Information
Lot No Identification Location Security Amount Completion Time in Weeks/Months
01 Providing Bituminous Seal Coat on Roads within Jetty-2 area. Jetty area of CPA 1200000 6 months


Name of Official Inviting Tender : : Tareq Mahmood
Designation of Official Inviting Tender : : Executive Engineer (Jetty), Chittagong Port Authority
Address of Official Inviting Tender : : Room no-212, Bandar Bhaban (Annex Building), Chittagong Port Authority
Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender : : Phone: 02333310214 , Fax: , Email:
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders