Invitation for Tender (Single Lot)    Status:Approved


Ministry/Division : : Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives
Agency : : Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity Name : : Project Director, “Joypurhat District Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project”, LGED
Procuring Entity Code : : N/A
Procuring Entity District : : Dhaka
Invitation For : Works
Invitation Reference No : 46.02.0000.555.
Date : 11/07/2024


Procurement Method : NCT Open Tendering Method


Budget and Source of Funds : : Non_Development GOB
Development Partner :


Project/Programme Code :
Project/Programme Name :
Tender Package No : JDRIDP/HQ/Non-SS-403
Tender Package Name : Procurement of farm/Company for providing (a) 04 nos Work Assistant (b) 01 no Office Support Staff.
Tender Publication Date : 16/07/2024
Tender Last Selling Date : 12/08/2024
Tender Closing Date and Time : 13/08/2024 02:00 PM
Tender Opening Date and Time : 13/08/2024 02:30 PM
Office Address Information
Selling Tender Document (Principal) Office of the Project Director, “Joypurhat District Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (JDRIIP)”, RDEC Building, Level-14 (Room No: 1409), LGED, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
Receiving Tender Document Office of the Project Director, “Joypurhat District Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (JDRIIP)”, RDEC Building, Level-14 (Room No: 1409), LGED, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
Opening Tender Document Office of the Project Director, “Joypurhat District Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (JDRIIP)”, RDEC Building, Level-14 (Room No: 1409), LGED, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
Selling Tender Document (Others)
Place/Date/Time of Tender Meeting (Optional) : Place :    Date:    Time: 02:00 PM


Eligibility of Tenderer : : • Tenderers shall have the legal capacity to enter into the Contract under the Applicable Law; • Tenderers shall be enrolled in the relevant professional or trade organisations registered in Bangladesh; and • Tenderers shall have fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes under the provisions of laws and regulations of Bangladesh
Brief Description of Goods or Works : : Procurement of farm/Company for Providing Physical Services for the Post of (a) 04 nos Work Assistant (b) 01 no Office Support Staff.
Brief Description of Related Services : :
Tender Document Price : : Tk. 4000.00 (Taka Four Thousand only)
Tender Lot Information
Lot No Identification Location Security Amount Completion Time in Weeks/Months
01 Non-Consultant Service Through Outsourcing Project Director’s Office (LGED, HQ, Dhaka) & Joypurhat District Tk. 100000.00 (Taka One Lakh Only) 36 (Thirty Six) months


Name of Official Inviting Tender : : Md Safiqul Islam
Designation of Official Inviting Tender : : Project Director
Address of Official Inviting Tender : : Office of the Project Director, “Joypurhat District Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (JDRIIP)”, RDEC Building, Level-14 (Room No: 1409), LGED, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender : : Phone: +8801711949438 , Fax: , Email:
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders