Invitation for Request for Expressions of Interest    Status:Approved


Ministry/Division : Ministry of Energy, Power and Minearal Resources
Agency : Dhaka Electric Supply Company LTD (DESCO)
Procuring Entity Name : Sustainable & Renewable Energy, Consumer Service Development and APA Cell
Procuring Entity Code : N/A
Procuring Entity District : Dhaka
Expression of Interest for Selection of : Consulting Firm (International)  (Lump-Sump)
Title Of Service : Design,Build,Finance,Operate and Maintain (DBFOM) 120 MW(Approx.) On-grid Solar Power System in DESCO Jurisdiction area.
EOI Ref. No. : 27.124.0000.
Date : 12/03/2025


Procurement Sub-Method : Least Cost Selection(LCS)


Budget and Source of Funds : Development Budget Tenderer's Finance
Development Partners :


Project/Programme Name :
EOI Closing Date and Time : 04/05/2025 12:00 PM BST
Publication Date : 13/03/2025


Brief Description of Assignment : Objective: DESCO seeks EoI from EPC Contractor to establish approximately 120 MW On Grid Solar Power System in 8 (Eight) Lots in Eight Operational Circle of DESCO, supporting the government’s clean energy initiative, increasing the share of non-fossil energy consumption. Scope: The program will utilize rooftops and other urban spaces within DESCO jurisdiction area for On Grid solar power generation, integrating it with DESCO’s distribution network through net-metering system. The program will be divided in the following 08 (Eight) Lots: Sl Lot Circle Name Area Solar System Capacity(Approx) 1 Lot-1 Uttara Circle Uttara East, Uttara West, Turag, Uttara 3rd Phase 15 MW/ To be mentioned & adjacent area. 2 Lot-2 Dakshinkhan Circle Uttarkhan, Dakshinkhan, Shah Kabir 15 MW/To be mentioned & adjacent area. 3 Lot-2 Tongi Circle Tongi East, Tongi West &Tongi Central 15 MW/To be mentioned & adjacent area. 4 Lot-4 Baridhara Circle Baridhara, Bashundhara R/A, Khilkhet, Purbachal, 15MW/To be mentioned Nikunja & adjacent area. 5 Lot-5 Gulshan Circle Gulshan, Banani, Badda, Dhaka Cantonment Area, 15 MW/To be mentioned Joarshahara& adjacent area 6 Lot-6 Pallabi Circle Pallabi, Kafrul, Ibrahimpur & adjacent area. 15 MW/To be mentioned 7 Lot-7 Agargaon Circle Agargaon, Monipur, Kallyanpur & adjacent area. 15 MW/To be mentioned 8 Lot-8 Rupnagar Circle Shah Ali, Rupnagar, Eastern Housing & adjacent area. 15 MW/To be mentioned Any EPC can express interest/ submit proposal in all/individual/selected Lots. But based on evaluation an EPC will be awarded in maximum 3 Lots. This EoI & Circle wise area maps are available at
Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required : Eligibility Criteria: i. EPC Contractor shall be a legally registered entity with experience in solar power projects. ii. EPC Contractor shall have the experience of successful development and operationof minimum 5 MW solar energy projects. iii. Joint Venture Firm(s) will be allowed. In this case number of Partners will not be more than 3(three). iv. In case of Joint venture firms joint experience of successful completion of Solar Power Plant should be Minimum 5 MW. v. EPCshalldemonstrate financial capacity to undertake the project. vi. EPC must comply with international and national regulations. vii. EPC must comply with the Renewable Energy Policy 2025 of Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources & Net Metering Guideline 2018 of SREDA, Power Division, Bangladesh. viii. The rate of generated electricity should be less than that of the retail rate of electricity fixed by Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC). Technical Requirements: i. Minimum installed capacity: 5 MWwith or without Joint Venture ii. Solar PV technology: [Monocrystalline/Polycrystalline/Thin Film/any other] Have to be mentioned. iii. The EPC should have the capacity to synchronize the generated electricity with DESCO’s distribution network maintaining local grid code. iv. Minimum Efficiency Standards: Should be mentioned. v. Energy storage requirements (if applicable) Financial and Tariff Structure: i. Any subsidies or incentives should be disclosed. ii. EPC should outline financing models (Equity, Debt, PPP, etc.). EPC must submit: 1. Technical Proposal, including - Company profile and experience, Project design, timeline, and implementation plan. - Equipment specifications and warranties - Grid integration strategy - Environmental and social impact mitigation plan 2. Financial Proposal, including: - Investment breakdown - Business Modality 3. Registration of firm(s) including following documents: a. Valid TIN certificate, VAT registration certificate (if Applicable), Income Tax certificate&Trade License; b. History of litigation in courts or any arbitration proceedings (if any). c. Audited Financial Report for the last 3 (Three) years; d. Proven track record in developing, installing, and integrating large-scale solar projects, especially in urban settings and grid-connected applications.
Other Details (if applicable) : i. Submission of EoI should be done in sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the applicant, Program name, EoI reference no & date and be addressed to the EoI issuing Authority in 02(Two) copies; 01(one) marked as ORIGINAL and other as COPY (i.e. photocopy of the original). ii. The firm(s) shal lsign and mention the page no in every page of submitted EoI document. iii. No Applicant/Proposal after the EoI Closing date & time will be accepted. iv. Interested Applicants may obtain further information by applying to the address below during office hour. Special Instructions: The client will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Firm (s) in connection with the preparation or submission of the EoI.
Association with foreign firms is : Encouraged
Eoi Detail Information
Ref No Phasing Of Services Location Start Date Completion Date
N/A Dhaka


Name of Official Inviting EOI : Engr. Md. Mafizul Islam Bhuiyan
Designation of Official Inviting EOI : Project Director & Chief Engineer (Sustainable & Renewable Energy, Consumer Service Development and APA Cell)
Address of Official Inviting EOI : Sustainable & Renewable Energy, Consumer Service Development and APA Cell, DESCO House #22/A, RDA Bhaban (Lift-7),Kabi Farrukh Sarani, Nikunja-2, khilkhet, Dhaka-1229 Email:
Contact details of Official Inviting EOI : Phone : +8809610111111 Ext –1016, 2499, Fax : , Email :
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders