Invitation for Request for Expressions of Interest    Status:Corrigendum


Ministry/Division : Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives
Agency : Chittagong Water Supply & Sewerage Authority
Procuring Entity Name : Chattogram Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA)
Procuring Entity Code :
Procuring Entity District : Chattogram
Expression of Interest for Selection of : Consulting Firm (International)  (Time-Based)
Title Of Service : Engineering Design & Construction Supervision of Chattogram Sewerage System Development Project (Catchment-2 & 4) Under Chattogram WASA.
EOI Ref. No. : 46.06.0000.304.95.08.2023-35
Date : 29/07/2024


Procurement Sub-Method : Quality and Cost Based Selection(QCBS)


Budget and Source of Funds : Development Budget Loan
Development Partners : Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


Project/Programme Name : Chattogram Sewerage System Development Project (Catchment-2 & 4).
EOI Closing Date and Time : 20/08/2024 12:30 BST
Publication Date : 29/07/2024


Brief Description of Assignment : Government of Bangladesh has applied for an ODA Loan from Japan International Cooperation Agency towards the cost of implementing Sewerage Project of Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA). CWASA is intending to apply part of the proceeds of this fund to eligible payment for “Engineering Design & Construction Supervision of Chattogram Sewerage System Development Project (Catchment-2 & 4) Under Chattogram WASA” The consulting services shall be provided by an international consulting firm(s) (or any other relevant entity) (hereinafter referred to as "the Consultant") in compliance with Guidelines for the Employment of Consultants under Japanese ODA Loans (October 2023). The objective of the consulting services is to achieve the efficient and proper preparation and implementation of the Project through the following works: a) Detailed design b) Tender Assistance c) Construction supervision for CP-1, CP-2 and CP-3 d) Supervision of CWASA’s entire process of implementing environmental assessment to develop an EIA report and obtaining an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) in accordance with the Bangladesh laws and regulations e) Facilitation of Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental and Monitoring Plan (EMoP) and Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP) f) Technology transfer g) Support for CWASA’s public activity for sewerage service and promotion of house connection Project Components related to this Consulting services are outline below: ? Land Development for STP site ? Construction of Sewage Treatment Facility (60,000 m3/day) ? Construction of Trunk Sewer (L=11km & Dia=600-2200 mm) ? Construction of Branch Sewer (L=70km & Dia=200-900 mm) ? Installation of Connection Pipe (L=70km & Dia=150-200 mm) ? Installation of Catch Pit (14000Nos) ? Installation of Manhole (932Nos) Scope of Consulting Services: The scope of this Consultancy services to be undertaken shall cover all but not limited to: a) Review and verify all available primary and secondary data b) Carry out all the required engineering surveys and investigations c) Prepare and negotiate the permission for construction works d) Prepare detailed work plan, progress reports and implementation schedule e) Prepare Project Definition Report f) Finalize design sewage flow, design pollution load, basic design g) Prepare the detailed design of the Project h) Define technical and financial requirements, capacity and/or experience for PQ criteria i) Prepare PQ documents & Assist CWASA in PQ announcement, addendum/corrigendum, and clarifications j) Evaluate PQ applications & prepare a PQ evaluation report k) Prepare bidding documents & Assist CWASA in issuing bid invitation, conducting pre-bid conferences. l) Evaluate bids & prepare a bid evaluation report. m) Assist CWASA in contract negotiation & prepare a draft and final contract document. n) Construction supervision for work packages (CP-1, CP-2 and CP-3 etc.) o) Supervision of CWASA’s entire process of implementing environmental assessment p) Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) and Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP). q) To undertake technology transfer to CWASA. r) Support for public awareness activity s) Promotion of house connection.
Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required : The Consultant must have the experience of providing Consultancy Services for preparation of detailed engineering design and procurement documents complying with “Guidelines for Employment of Consultants under Japanese ODA Loans (October 2023)” in Design, Build, Construction Supervision and Contract Management; and successful commissioning of similar type of facilities and services as mentioned in serial 16.
Other Details (if applicable) : The expression of interest must include the following information that would lead in preparing short listing: 1) Background of the Firm(s) with brochures etc. 2) General and Overall experience of the Firm(s) 3) Experience in similar projects of comparable size, complexity and technical specialty of firms in the required area 4) Experience in developing countries under same environmental and geographical conditions 5) Experience with Japanese ODA projects. 6) Annual Turnover of the firms for the last five years along with audit report 7) Nature, total cost, total inputs in terms of man-month indicating area of expertise, employer, and location of the similar works in hand, if any 8) Summary of permanent professionals and technical employees with key qualifications (in tabular form) in the fields of major components of the project as well as scope of work as mentioned in serial 16 9) While indicating information relating to above serial 18 (3), it shall be made clear whether the responsibility of the firm was in the capacity of a principal firm or as one associated with a principal firm. 10) The EOI shall be submitted in one (1) original, two (2) copies, and one soft copy in USB in a sealed envelope. Additional information: Consultant may associate with other Consultants to enhance their qualifications, but should mention whether the association is in form of “joint venture” or “sub-consultancy”. The consulting firm(s), which (are) “solely” or “jointly” and “severally” liable for the entire performance under the contract, shall not be allowed to participate in more than one proposal in any capacity including sub-consulting or association. A consultant, if acting in the capacity of sub-consultant or association member (not liable for the entire contract) in any proposal, may participate in more than one proposal, but only in that capacity. Consultant without having eligible criteria should not apply for EOI. Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address of the undersigned during normal office hours. Expressions of Interest shall be submitted in sealed envelope, delivered to the address of the undersigned and be clearly marked "Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Selection of Engineering Consultants for Engineering Design & Construction Supervision of Chattogram Sewerage System Development (Catchment-2 & 4) Project Under Chattogram WASA”.
Association with foreign firms is : Encouraged
Eoi Detail Information
Ref No Phasing Of Services Location Start Date Completion Date
46.06.0000.304.95.08.2023-35 Design & Bidding process including PQ Chattogram City Corporation, Chandgaon, Panchlaish Nov/2025 Nov/2028
46.06.0000.304.95.08.2023-35 Construction Supervision including DLP Chattogram City Corporation, Chandgaon, Panchlaish Sep/2028 Nov/2032


Name of Official Inviting EOI : Muhammad Nurul Amin
Designation of Official Inviting EOI : Project Director, Chattogram Sewerage System Development Project (Catchment-2 & 4) & Superintending Engineer, MOD Circle, Chattogram WASA
Address of Official Inviting EOI : Office of the Superintending Engineer, MOD Circle, Chattogram WASA Bhaban (2nd floor), Dampara, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
Contact details of Official Inviting EOI : Phone : +880-1554-336007, Fax : , Email :

Advertisement Corrigendum(s)

Date Of Corrigendum



Brief Description : EOI Memo No.: 46.06.0000.304.95.08.2023-35 Engineering Design & Construction Supervision of Chattogram Sewerage System Development Project (Catchment-2 & 4) Under Chattogram WASA.
Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required : All other terms & conditions will remain unchanged.
Duration : 42 days
Other Information : All other terms & conditions will remain unchanged.
Last Date Of Submission : 10/09/2024
Last Time Of Submission : 12.30
Status : Active
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders