Invitation for Request for Expressions of Interest    Status:Corrigendum


Ministry/Division : Ministry of Energy, Power and Minearal Resources
Agency : Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
Procuring Entity Name : Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
Procuring Entity Code : N/A
Procuring Entity District : Dhaka
Expression of Interest for Selection of : Consulting Firm (National)  (Time-Based)
Title Of Service : Consultancy Services for Up-gradation of The Bangladesh Onshore Model Production Sharing Contract 2019
EOI Ref. No. : 28.02.0000.
Date : 02/07/2024


Procurement Sub-Method : Quality and Cost Based Selection(QCBS)


Budget and Source of Funds : Own Funds Own Funds
Development Partners : NA


Project/Programme Name : NA
EOI Closing Date and Time : 24/07/2024 12.00 Pm
Publication Date : 04/07/2024


Brief Description of Assignment : Petrobangla recently unveiled an Offshore Bidding Round 2024, encompassing 24 Offshore blocks and now plans to explore oil & gas in the onshore areas comprising both plain land and hill tracts under Production Sharing Contract. An initiative has been taken to procure consultancy services from an internationally reputed consulting firm to update the fiscal terms and conditions of the existing Bangladesh Onshore Model PSC 2019 aligning with the standard set forth in the Bangladesh Offshore Model PSC 2023 to make it more attractive, competitive and internationally acceptable for oil and gas exploration and development. Petrobangla, therefore, intends to assign an internationally reputed consulting firm having adequate experiences to accomplish the job.
Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required : • The consulting firm must be an internationally reputed one which has at least 15 years of experience in consultancy of fiscal system analysis for Petroleum Exploration and Production. • The consulting firm must have an existing database of petroleum fiscal terms of different countries and a platform for fiscal analysis / valuation. • The consulting firm must have global presence with experience in formulation of PSC, modification & up-gradation of PSC and similar contract. • The consulting firm must have experience in conducting at least 3 (Three) similar natures of jobs globally. • Team Leader must have at least 15 years of experience in exploration and production advisory and have completed assignments of similar nature globally in the past. • The consulting firm for this assignment must engage at least 2 Subject Matter Experts (minimum graduate) with at least 10 years of relevant international experience. • The consulting firm must be able to demonstrate experience and access to the top explorers globally. • The consulting firm must have dedicated resource person/consultant to address the limitation of Bangladesh Onshore Model PSC 2019 properly and advise necessary changes in the model PSC accordingly.
Other Details (if applicable) : • Upon receipt of EOIs, the interested consulting firms that are deemed best suited to perform the assignment will be short-listed. Thereafter, Request For Proposal (RFP) documents will be sent to the short-listed firms. • The consulting firm must follow the Scope of Work, Terms of Reference (TOR) while preparing the proposal. Detailed TOR are available at and • This EOI will be evaluated as per Public Procurement Rules 2008 of Bangladesh. • Companies, registered in the countries, which have no diplomatic relation with the People’s Republic of Bangladesh are not eligible to participate in the EOI.
Association with foreign firms is : Not Applicable
Eoi Detail Information
Ref No Phasing Of Services Location Start Date Completion Date
1 NA Dhaka NA NA


Name of Official Inviting EOI : (Hasan Mahmudul Islam)
Designation of Official Inviting EOI : General Manager (Contract) Petrobangla
Address of Official Inviting EOI : Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) Petrocentre, 3, Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Contact details of Official Inviting EOI : Phone : +8801817509906 , Fax : , Email :

Advertisement Corrigendum(s)

Date Of Corrigendum



Brief Description : Selection of International Consulting firm for upgradation of the Bangladesh Onshore Model Production sharing contract 2019
Last Date Of Submission : 07/08/2024
Last Time Of Submission : 11.30 BST
Status : Active
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders