
Title : 12-member Tanzania team visits BPPA to know e-GP
Description :

To learn about the successful implementation of the electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) system in Bangladesh, a 12-member delegation from the Republic of Tanzania visited the office of Bangladesh Public Procurement Authority (BPPA) in Dhaka from March 18 March to 21 March 2024.

During their four-day visit, the Tanzanian government procurement team exchanged insights into how e-GP implementation has been successful in Bangladesh and how it has tackled various challenges.

The Republic of Tanzania started implementing e-GP from 2022. But they said their system is still very young and not as robust as that of Bangladesh. That is why Tanzania chose Bangladesh to learn about e-GP implementation and strengthen e-GP in their country.

Bangladesh’s e-GP is now a complete and comprehensive system incorporating annual procurement planning, tender processing, evaluation, contract signing, award, contract management including completion, e-payment and certification.  

The Director-General of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) of Tanzania, Mr. Eliakim C. Maswi. led the delegation. Mr. Mohammed Shoheler Rahman Chowdhury, the Chief Executive Officer of BPPA, welcomed the delegation. BPPA officials were present at the time.

In the conference room of BPPA, on the first day, the Chief Executive Officer of BPPA presented an overview of the institutional and legal framework, and digitization of the procurement process in Bangladesh. Tanzanian PPRA Director-General discussed the digitization of public procurement in their country and their expectations from BPPA. He was very keen on e-Audit which BPPA has already included in e-GP.

He mentioned that in 2022, they decided to modernize and strengthen the e-GP system. As part of this initiative, Tanzania has decided to closely observe the successful implementation of e-GP in Bangladesh. BPPA's Chief Executive Officer assured them of all forms of cooperation in this regard.

Mr. Md Mosharraf Hussain, Senior System Analyst of BPPA, presented a comprehensive overview of the e-GP system. On the second day, a demonstration of the e-GP system was conducted by Dohatec New Media e-GP team leader, Mr. Nazmul Islam Bhuiyan. BPPA's Director, Mr. Md. Aknur Rahman PhD made a presentation on e-PMIS and Senior IT Security Assurance Consultant Mr. Mohammed Moinul Hossain presented on e-GP security. On the third and fourth days, Dohatec New Media provided practical insights into e-GP to the Tanzanian delegation.

The delegation from Tanzania included officials from their Ministry of Finance, PPRA, Medical Stores Depot, ICT and Statistics, and government procurement policy. Their visit concluded on 21 March 2024.

Bangladesh started e-GP implementation in 2011. On September 18, 2023 the government transformed the former Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) into BPPA.

Publication Date : 24/03/2024